Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

A Better World

Our spectacular natural landscapes and the rich wildlife that they support are under threat.
Now is your chance to guide our common future.

Public Consultation – From Now Until April 7, 2016
From now until April 7, 2016, you can send your views to the Government to make sure your voice is heard.

  • Do you think the Hong Kong Government is doing enough?
  • Can you accept any further loss of natural areas, how much and where?
  • Is Biodiversity (All animals and plant life) important to YOU?

“What can I do?”
Below, are some of KFBG’s concerns that will be expressed in our BSAP submission. You may be guided by these or wish to express your own views. The consultation document can be viewed on the Do send in your comments and views on BSAP.

“Let’s ensure that our children and grandchildren inherit the green legacy we have today”. PLEASE TAKE ACTION!

KFBG would like to see the following included in the BSAP 5-year Plan;

  • Maintain all existing Country Parks and Special Areas and increase coverage to include priority sites and places important for wildlife
  • Review and amend current legislation of land use zoning (e.g., the Town Planning Ordinance) and other Ordinances not directly related to but actually vital to nature conservation (e.g., Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, Waste Disposal Ordinance) for better protection of important habitats and species that are diminishing at an alarming rate
  • Review the Small House Policy, Drainage Programmes and Rural Infrastructure Improvement
  • Programmes to stop countryside destruction, and to protect remaining rural areas
  • Implement an Agricultural Policy to protect and restore farmlands, revitalize the agricultural sector and ensure food security for the community


  • Incorporate community gardens and farmlands in the design of all new towns


  • Retain and enhance connectivity between conservation zones by developing a territory-wide system of interconnected wildlife corridors, especially along waterways


  • Create Species Action Plans for the most threatened local Animals and Plants, including the Otter and Pangolin


  • Improve wildlife crime enforcement and investigative actions related to trafficking and illegal trade


  • Expand and enhance protection for Deep Bay, Mai Po and the Ramsar sites


  • Improve control measures for the import and the release into nature of alien and invasive species


  • Critically review the current proposals for land reclamation, new development areas and large-scale infrastructures; many of these proposals will cause permanent and irreversible ecological impacts, and their benefits to the general public are highly uncertain and doubtful

Send your response to:

By email:
By post:
Biodiversity Conservation Division
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
6th Floor, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices
303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
By facsimile: 23142802

Sign WWF's petition to call for the government to produce an effective Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

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