Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation
Repatriation of illegally traded wildlife back to country of origin is the ultimate goal for most exotic seizures. However, it is a complex process requiring government to government agreements, disease risk assessment in order not to introduce novel diseases into the wild population, and complicated logistics. Since the year 2010, even though we have received many thousands of illegally traded wildlife, we have successfully repatriated to the wild just over a thousand animals.

Read more:
- Live Animals in Illegal Trade: A review of selected holding and repatriation costs and enforcement outcomes for local confiscations (pdf, 1.7MB)
- Happy ending for smuggled Pig-nosed Turtles: Repatriated and released in Indonesia
- Smuggled Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtles Head Home to Japan
- KFBG fills in missing data on over 590 animal species
- Fauna Conservation Reports & Publications
- KFBG Blogs: Animal Stories