In the latest issue of the international journal Vertebrate Zoology, the research team at KFBG published a new species of reptile—Lingnan Reed Snake (Calamaria arcana), the fifth species of ree...

Individual identification is a very powerful but challenging approach in zoological research. Characteristics such as the noseprint in dogs, footprint of giant pandas, face of monkeys, markings on le...

As one of the authors of the 2021 paper An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Hainan Island, China”, I certainly did not make the greatest contribution, but I surely learnt a great deal along...

KFBG recently worked with Vietnamese and Russian scientists to describe a new species named the Black-eyed Paddy Frog (Micryletta melanops), which is found in Langbian Plateau in southern Vietnam. T...

The Hainan Gibbon the world's rarest primate is the focus of KFBG's Conservation China Department's very first and also longest-running conservation project. Here we have found some archival photos...

Self-imposed lockdown in the animal world: A glimpse into the life of a family of breeding hornbills
11 March 2021
11 March 2021
China is home to five hornbill species: Great Hornbill, Rufous-necked Hornbill, Wreathed Hornbill, Oriental Pied Hornbill, and Austen's Brown Hornbill. They are restricted to tropical forests of sout...

Mount Gaoligongshan in western Yunnan extends from the Tibetan Plateau to Indochina, forming the watershed of the Irrawaddy and the Salween Rivers. Positioned at the crossroads of the Palearctic and ...

A clouded future: The secretive clouded leopard is pushed to the brink by deforestation
12 December 2020
12 December 2020
Although leopards (Panthera pardus) are known to hoist their kill into trees to avoid the prying eyes of hyenas and lions, their arboreal skills are nothing when compared to clouded leopards (Neof...

After the typhoon: Bridging ravaged forest for the critically endangered Hainan Gibbon
24 October 2020
24 October 2020
The newest family of the critically endangered Hainan Gibbons has just welcomed their first child, increasing the population of the world's rarest primate from 13 (two family groups) in 2003 to 33 (f...

As part of the famed, expansive Eastern Plains Landscape in Cambodia, the project site of the Kadoorie Conservation China Department (KCC) is home to a vast array of endangered wildlife from Banteng,...